SonoAnalyzer Pro and OE - version 1.6.4 released

Announcing the release of SonoAnalyzer Pro and OE, both now at version 1.6.4. This update adds a convenient option for installing Free database models (as offered with SonoAnalyzer Free). Upgrade is optional. Further details are shown below.

SonoAnalyzer Free - version 1.6.4 released

Announcing the release of SonoAnalyzer Free, version 1.6.4. This update includes some bug-fixes and several improvements to convenience and usability. Upgrade is recommended for existing users. More details below.

SonoAnalyzer Pro and OE - version 1.6.3 released

Announcing the release of SonoAnalyzer Pro and OE, both now at version 1.6.3. This update includes various small bug-fixes and user-interface improvements. Upgrade is recommended. Further details are shown below.

SonoAnalyzer Pro, OE and Free - version 1.6.2 released

Announcing the release of SonoAnalyzer Pro, OE and Free, all now at version 1.6.2.

This update includes various small improvements / bug-fixes and introduces a new user-defined profiled disk model for SonoAnalyzer Pro (ie. SonoAnalyzer Pro is required to create a new design; OE and Free are capable of displaying results of a saved analysis).

Upgrade is recommended. Further details are shown below.

SonoAnalyzer OE and Pro - version 1.6.1 released

This is a small update to the two paid versions, adding support for the "FreeDB" downloadable database models used in SonoAnalyzer Free, and fixing a bug in the new save results option that would, in certain circumstances, prevent the results being saved or create a corrupt file.

Upgrading to this new version is recommended. Your updated file download is shown under Files in "My account". The filename is "SonoAnalyzerOE-setup.exe" (OE) or "SonoAnalyzerProR-setup.exe" (Pro). Please log into your account to download the new file. Uninstalling any / all prior versions is recommended before installing this one. Your saved settings, including the license key, should not be affected by the removal / installation.

SonoAnalyzer Free / Demo - version 1.6.1 released

This is the first release version of SonoAnalyzer Free - a new program offering fast analysis for some simple shapes over a limited range of material properties and dimensions using "FreeDB" databases of FEA results. The data is the same as that used in the online database-driven analysis models in SonoAnalyzer OE, but packaged for standalone use.

For a wider range of shapes, material properties and dimensions there are FEA-on-demand models available in SonoAnalyzer OE and standalone analysis of more complex shapes in SonoAnalyzer Pro. SonoAnalyzer Free can also be used as a viewer to display results of models saved from either of the paid versions.

SonoAnalyzer Free replaces SonoAnalyzer Demo (a fully-functional version of OE with a 30 day, limited use trial license), which is no longer offered. If you would like to fully test SonoAnalyzer OE there is a 10-day unlimited-use (subject to AUP) trial available for $100, with the price available as credit against a purchase of the full version of OE or Pro.

SonoAnalyzer Free version 1.6.1 is available for free download now.

SonoAnalyzer OE - version 1.6.0 released

Announcing the release of SonoAnalyzer OE (Online Edition) version 1.6.0, also available as a 10-day trial version.

This update includes several improvements in line with the SonoAnalyzer Pro series, notably:

  • Ability to open, view and re-run Pro models saved from the Pro version using the "Save results" option
  • Option to "Save results" on any OE model (after analysis is complete), creating a file that can be viewed on any other SonoAnalyzer version (including SonoAnalyzer Free) from 1.6.0 onwards.

Upgrade is recommended. Further details are shown below.

SonoAnalyzer Pro version 1.6.0 (full release)

Announcing the release of SonoAnalyzer Pro (full-release) version 1.6.0. This is NOT a 60-day trial version but a full release that will not expire. As such it is only available to those clients who have purchased SonoAnalyzer Pro pre-release or upgraded from SonoAnalyzer OE.

This version is similar to the previous release-candidate but includes some bug-fixes, improvements and adds the option for offline registration.

Managed Pro server changes

This is an announcement for all SonoAnalyzer Pro beta testers. First, thanks to all of you for your support and feedback. I've learnt a lot from it, including two things that are particularly relevant to this announcement:

  1. Offering managed FEA servers is a popular option, allowing users to take full advantage of the more complex Pro models without the need to install additional software on the local PC. Effectively using Pro becomes as simple as using OE.
  2. The system used up to now for offering managed FEA servers just isn't adequate. In particular the postprocessor connection is unreliable, making it difficult to view stress plots and other results, a key advantage of the Pro version. This is mainly a result of the setup - on a single server shared between all users there's a need for authentication to prevent each user from viewing others' results.

So in the run-up to the release of SonoAnalyzer Pro the managed FEA server system is to be updated. After the update, all managed servers will be dedicated to one client only. With only one user able to connect and the video tunnelled through industry-standard SSL-secured connection, no further authentication is required. Financially the one-server-per-client model is made possible by the use of cloud-based systems (virtual machines) that can be started automatically on demand and shut down when not in use.

SonoAnalyzer Pro RC - version 1.5.2 released

Announcing the release of SonoAnalyzer Pro RC (release-candidate) version 1.5.2. This is a 60-day trial version available free of charge to all clients who have purchased SonoAnalyzer OE (annual or one-month license) or SonoAnalyzer Pro pre-release.

This version adds two significant new features:

  1. Support for new cloud-FEA-servers, an upgrade of the current shared FEA servers that will allow clients to increase the FEA server's memory and processing power in accordance with their needs.
  2. Support for a new file format in which SonoAnalyzer models can be saved including the results obtained. This support will also be added to future versions of SonoAnalyzer OE and Demo, allowing those programs to load and view the results of Pro analysis runs.

Several enhancements and bug-fixes are also included:

  • Fixed program crash on changing screen resolution (eg. on tablet PCs with automatic screen-rotation).
  • Spaces now permitted in Pro browser command line
  • Improved handling of Pro "FEA", "POST", clear and recalculate / redraw buttons
  • Improved informational messages during connection to FEA server

Updating is recommended for all Pro RC users.


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